"Human Pork Chop" is based on infamous HK crime case called 'Hello Kitty Murder'. In 1999 three triad gangsters kidnapped, brutally tortured and beat a 23-year old woman named Fan Man-yee for one month until she died. Then they dismembered and cooked the body, threw most of it out with the trash, fed legs and arms to stray dogs and hid the skull inside the head of a giant-sized Hello Kitty doll.
"Human Pork Chop" tells the story of a young woman,who steals money and can't repay her loan. She is captured, tortured and degraded by her pimp and his crew, then killed and dismembered. Anyway, this HK sickie is among the nastiest, most sadistic and repugnant examples of the Category III genre. This filthy film is downright unpleasant and deeply nihilistic, so be prepared. Pretty much everything here is ugly and rotten. Still "Human Pork Chop" is a rather successful portrayal of that infamous HK crime case.
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